Bird-Friendly Communities

Attracting Birds to Your Feeder

Different species enjoy different snacks.
Black-capped Chickadee Photo: James Schumacher, Flickr cc
Bird-Friendly Communities

Attracting Birds to Your Feeder

Different species enjoy different snacks.

You have your feeders, now what food is best for your feathered friends? Below, find some ideas for attracting specific bird species to your backyard. 

All-around favorite: Black-Oil Sunflower Seeds. They contain a lot of protein and fat and their thin shells are easy to crack.

Cardinals & Blue Jays: Sunflower hearts and chips, striped sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, peanuts, red and white millet

Mourning Doves: Safflower seeds

Robins: Sunflower hearts and chips, white millet

Chickadees: Sunflower hearts, striped sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, white millet

Finches:  Striped sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, red and white millet, flaxseed 

Hummingbirds:  Sugar water; made by combining four parts hot water to one part white sugar, mix and let cool. Never use honey, artificial sweeteners, or red dye.

Quick reference SEED CHART below. Click here for a printable version. 

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