Primarily Open Landscape

Hudson Valley Habitat Management Decision Tree (for managing bird habitats):Primarily Open Landscape

Landscape that is <50% forested or more than half open habitats such as crop fields, hayfields, pastures, fallow fields, old fields, and other grassy or shrubby cover types.

Step Open-1: What is the current condition of the property?

  • Non-forested (grassland, crop field, old field, etc.); clearable by brush hog: Go to Step Open-2
  • Forested (enough trees present that brush hogging is not possible): Go to Step Open-3b

Step Open-2: What is the size of the property to be managed?

  • <25 acres: Go to Step Open-3a
  • >25 acres: Consider managing the property for Grassland birds

Step Open-3a: What is the condition of the adjacent properties?

  • >50% "open" land uses (e.g., crops, pasture, hayfields, etc.): Consider managing the property for Grassland birds.
  • >50% forested, with most of the forest in a relatively mature state: Consider managing for birds that require Early-successional Forest habitat.
  • >50% forested, with most of the forest in a relatively young (i.e. early-successional) state: Consider managing for Mature Forest birds.

Step Open-3b: What is the condition of the adjacent properties?

  • >50% "open" land uses (e.g., crops, pasture, hayfields, etc.): Consider managing the property for Shrubland or Early-successional Forest birds if the property is <25 acres or for mostly Mature Forest birds with some habitat for Early-successional Forest birds (not to exceed 25% at any time) if the property is >25 acres.
  • >50% forested, with most of the forest in a relatively mature state: Consider managing for Mature Forest birds with some habitat for Early-successional Forest birds (not to exceed 25% at any time).
  • >50% forested, with most of the forest in a relatively young (i.e. early-successional) state: Consider managing for Mature Forest birds.

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