
Help Birds in a Changing Climate

Take the Climate Pledge Today!
Bald Eagle Photo: Greg Craybas

Help Birds in a Changing Climate

Take the Climate Pledge Today!

Research by the National Audubon Society found that if we don’t act now, nearly half of North American birds will suffer the consequences of climate change, leaving them with an uncertain future. Each of us has a responsibility to be the voice for birds by combatting climate change. Join us in protecting the places birds need to thrive and survive now and into the future, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Take the Audubon New York Climate Pledge and do your part to protect birds.

I pledge to:

Create a healthy backyard habitat for birds

  • Landscape with native plants to provide food and shelter for birds
  • Expand planting beds to reduce lawn size, the need for mowing, and save gas
  • Reduce or eliminate pesticide and fertilizer use to create safe spaces for birds

Reduce my personal carbon footprint

  • Use energy-efficient lighting and appliances, and turn them off when not in use
  • Turn off outside lights at night to help migrating birds
  • Buy locally made products and services, when possible
  • Use mass transit, carpool, walk, or bike when possible
  • Drive a fuel efficient car

Spread the word

  • Talk to friends, family, and colleagues about how climate change is impacting birds and what they can do to help
  • Work with building managers/municipal leaders to take similar steps to create healthy habitats for birds and reduce emissions


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New York Approves First-ever State Mandated Clean Energy Standard

Most comprehensive clean energy mandate in State's history.

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Combating Climate Change

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How you can help, right now