Working Lands

New York’s forest birds are facing significant population declines. Your land can help.

Cerulean Warbler. Photo: Gary Robinette/Audubon Photography Awards

Forest birds are in significant decline. This tells us we have a habitat problem.

Wood Thrush, American Woodcock, and Golden-winged Warblers depend on healthy, diverse forest types to thrive, and their low numbers are ringing the alarm bell. New York is nearly 70% forested, but we’re losing quality habitat. Since our forests are also critical to improving water quality and mitigating the effects of climate change, this issue affects people too.

Let’s work together to improve your woods for birds and other wildlife.

Are you a forest owner actively managing your land within a priority forest area? Click here to fill out our Landowners Assistance Form! Our forest staff will do our best to get back to you in 2-3 weeks. 

Watch and learn!

Healthy Forests
Healthy Forests

Healthy Forests

Learn more about why healthy New York forests are essential for birds and people.

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Forest Resource Center
Working Lands

Forest Resource Center

Free resources for foresters and landowners. Start here and take steps to improve forest habitat for birds, other wildlife, recreation, and more.

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Public Workshops and Programs
Working Lands

Public Workshops and Programs

Join us! Attend free workshops and other programs with Audubon and partners to learn best management practices for birds.

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Bird-Friendly Maple
Working Lands

Bird-Friendly Maple

A collaborative conservation project that aims to sweeten sugarbush habitat for songbirds.

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News & Updates

Q&A with Claire Mann, new Audubon forester

Q&A with Claire Mann, new Audubon forester

Focusing on bird-friendly habitat projects in the Allegheny Highlands and northern New York

 Hudson Valley’s “Laurel & Ash Farm” Becomes Bird-Friendly Maple Syrup Producer
Working Lands

Hudson Valley’s “Laurel & Ash Farm” Becomes Bird-Friendly Maple Syrup Producer

Just in time for farmers’ market season, Laurel & Ash is being recognized for managing its sugarbush in ways that help declining forest birds.

​Audubon Announces First-Ever Endorsed Foresters
Working Lands

​Audubon Announces First-Ever Endorsed Foresters

We are thrilled to share that Caitlin Cusack (Vermont) and John MacNaught (New York) have become endorsed for prioritizing bird habitat in their management recommendations.

Managing Your Sugarbush with Birds in Mind
Working Lands

Managing Your Sugarbush with Birds in Mind

The following guidelines help ensure important bird habitat characteristics are integrated into sugarbush management. They are also intended to be used as criteria for Audubon's maple product recognition program.

DIY Forest Management Projects to Try In Winter
Healthy Forests

DIY Forest Management Projects to Try In Winter

Winter is a particularly great time to try these management activities, since it’s outside the nesting season.

Nearly $1M Awarded to Audubon Conservation Projects in Connecticut and New York

Nearly $1M Awarded to Audubon Conservation Projects in Connecticut and New York

Funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation will allow Audubon Connecticut and New York to continue and start new conservation projects.

Meet Our New Forester for the Birds
Healthy Forests

Meet Our New Forester for the Birds

As a Forest Program Associate for Connecticut and New York, Rosa Goldman works with local landowners to make their forests healthier for birds and other wildlife.

Five Forest-dependent Birds that Return in Early Spring

Five Forest-dependent Birds that Return in Early Spring

Learn about each species and what you can do to improve forest habitat.

New York's First Maple Producers Receive Bird-Friendly Recognition
Press Room

New York's First Maple Producers Receive Bird-Friendly Recognition

Syrup from Bird-Friendly Maple producers is good for birds, and your breakfast table!