Common Loon
Latin: Gavia immer
American Bittern Photo: Larry Federman
Rheinstrom Hill Audubon Center and Sanctuary will be closed to the public from November 18, 2023 through December 10, 2023 due to hunting season.
Located in the Village of Catskill, this compact sanctuary contains over 436 acres of tidal marsh and swamp, upland forests and fallow farm fields. Access to the Hudson River is possible by canoe or kayak via the RamsHorn Creek. RamsHorn-Livingston contains the largest tidal swamp in the northern Hudson River estuary. Audubon New York and Scenic Hudson cooperatively own and manage the property. Click here for a trail map.
There are numerous educational programs conducted on the property. School groups attend field trips with lessons on a variety of topics. Badge programs and field trips are also held for local Girl Scout and Boy Scout dens. Bird watching programs are offered regularly with sightings of Bald Eagle, a variety of waterfowl, resident and migrant songbirds. Many species of other wildlife are a common occurrence, as well as many common wetland flowering plants.
Planning to visit RamsHorn for birdwatching? Click here for a printable bird-checklist to take along.
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