Audubon New York

We protect birds and the places they need.

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo: John Troth/Audubon Photography Awards


Major Funding Announced for Crab Meadow Marsh Restoration

Major Funding Announced for Crab Meadow Marsh Restoration

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has awarded $429K to the National Audubon Society to develop a restoration plan for Crab Meadow’s marsh.

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Pop Stars: Honeysuckle Popping Volunteers Make Way for Native Species at Montezuma

Pop Stars: Honeysuckle Popping Volunteers Make Way for Native Species at Montezuma

MARSH! volunteers help to restore vital bird habitat in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex.

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Audubon Endorsed Forester Ethan Tapper Teaches Us How to Love a Forest
Healthy Forests

Audubon Endorsed Forester Ethan Tapper Teaches Us How to Love a Forest

Ethan hopes to help landowners and forest lovers see that “the greatest expression of compassion” for impacted forests (often caused by a history of human activity) isn’t to just let nature take its course, but rather to take action.

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News & Updates

Look Up! An Introduction to Identifying Raptors in Flight

Look Up! An Introduction to Identifying Raptors in Flight

When hawks and falcons stream across the sky in large numbers, you need a distinct set of birding skills to tell them apart.

How one of New York's largest landowners manages forests for birds

How one of New York's largest landowners manages forests for birds

Birds that nest in young forest, like the Ruffed Grouse and White-throated Sparrow, now have a home at the Kunjamuk Young Forest Demonstration Project.

For This Finger Lakes Maple Syrup Producer, Long-term Forest Health is the Goal
Healthy Forests

For This Upstate Maple Syrup Producer, Long-term Forest Health is the Goal

Sean Carter and his partner Maria Paone operate the 103-acre “Sapwood Farm,” a participant in the Bird-friendly Maple program. They work with a forester who is an ecologist and bird expert.

Nesting Common Terns Get a New Island Home in Buffalo
Centers, Sanctuaries, & Chapters

Nesting Common Terns Get a New Island Home in Buffalo

The newly constructed island is a part of a larger suite of bird and fish habitat restoration projects in the Niagara River and environs.

Updates on songbird illness

Updates on songbird illness

If you have decided to put your feeders and baths up, please follow these maintenance guidelines.

Michael Burger to Lead Audubon’s Connecticut and New York Office as New Executive Director

Michael Burger to Lead Audubon’s Connecticut and New York Office as New Executive Director

Former Senior Director of Conservation and expert on forest birds and their habitat needs takes the helm.

Scientists Still Searching for the Pathogen Behind the East's Songbird Epidemic
Press Room

Scientists Still Searching for the Pathogen Behind the East's Songbird Epidemic

In a new report, experts ruled out a range of causes, but they still recommend taking down feeders until the source of the disease is identified.

The 2021 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners and Honorable Mentions

The 2021 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners and Honorable Mentions

Thousands of people entered photographs and—for the first time— videos in this year’s contest. The finest images showed birdlife at its most tranquil, clever, and powerful.

[PRESS RELEASE] Town of Hempstead Wins Audubon’s First-Ever Share the Shore Award

[PRESS RELEASE] Town of Hempstead Wins Audubon’s First-Ever Share the Shore Award

This Long Island community's dedication to beach stewardship has made a haven for birds and local people.