
The Audubon network in action.

Short-eared Owl Photo: Alan Peterson

Testimony on the Climate and Community Protection Act

MBTA: The Bird Protection Law

This #YearOfTheBird, we’re celebrating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and its 100-year legacy with protecting birds in our country. Visit for more information.

PBS Metrofocus | The Bird is the Word - 8 minute mark

Why Protecting Birds Is Crucial to Ecosystems

Erin Crotty, Audubon New York Executive Director, featured on The Wall Street Journal- Lunch Break.

2016 Thomas W. Keesee, Jr. Conservation Award Honoree Christopher (Kim) Elliman

Be a Good Egg and Share the Shore with Beach-Nesting Birds

Woodland and Forest Birds: The Role of Sustainable Management

Erin Crotty, Executive Director, Audubon New York

Honeywell Honored with the 2015 Thomas W. Keesee Jr. Conservation Award

Highlighting Partners in Progress

2015 Rachel Carson Award Honoree Warrie Price

2015 Rachel Carson Award Honoree Flo Stone

Images of a Recovering Onondaga Lake