Originally published by the Rochester Business Journal
By: Velvet Spicer, October 5, 2017
Ganondagan State Historic Site has been named a Bird Conservation Area by the state Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
The award recognizes a facility management plan that protects and enhances habitat for native and migratory bird species. Ganondagan is the first site to receive BCA designation in the Finger Lakes Region.
“The designation of Ganondagan State Historic Site as a Bird Conservation Area is a perfect modern reinforcement to the native principles the site embraces in their interpretations and teachings,” Whitney Carleton, stewardship specialist for the Finger Lakes region, said in a statement. “Having this designation will further the mission of the site and New York State Parks to place the needs of our native species in the forefront of the planning process for future actions.”
Ganondagan will celebrate the designation with a free community event Oct. 10. Representatives from the state Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Audubon New York and the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology will speak at the event, being held at the Seneca Art & Culture Center in Victor.
The New York State Bird Conservation Area Program was established in 1997 to safeguard and enhance bird populations and their habitats on state lands and waters.