Policy Positions
Audubon New York’s agenda and policy resolutions, outlined below, provide the basis of our collective advocacy efforts for the year. Our positions are developed by integrating input from our members, locally-affiliated chapters, in-house experts, and the Audubon Council of New York State.
This is how we’re protecting birds and the places they need.
2020 New York State Policy Agenda
Our legislative and policy priorities for the SFY 2020-21 Legislative session.
Audubon Council of New York: 2021 Policy Resolutions
State and federal conservation policy resolutions.
MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT - Freshwater Wetlands Act
Audubon New York strongly supports A.3658 (Englebright) / S.5622 (Mayer), which would amend the New York State Freshwater Wetlands Act.
MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT - Bird-friendly Building Council Act
Audubon New York and partners strongly support the creation a bird-friendly building council to address bird collisions with human-made structures.
Audubon New York strongly supports A.4666 (Ryan) / S.5622 (Harckham), which would prohibit changes, modifications, or disturbances in Class C streams.
MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT - Birds and Bees Protection Act
Audubon New York strongly supports A.7639 (Englebright) / S.5816 (Hoylman), which would prohibit the sale of certain pesticides.
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