
Capital Tonight: February 25

Erin Crotty of Audubon New York on how the Environmental Protection Fund can help humans and wildlife.

Originally posted by Time Warner Cable News, Capital Tonight
February 26, 2016

On this episode of Capital Tonight: Reports on the governor's drive for $15, high lead levels found in Western New York water, resident frustration in Hoosick Falls, and the push to get health coverage for volunteer firefighters. 

Assemblyman Marcos Crespo and Senator Jesse Hamilton explain their bill that would require teachers learn mental health first aid.

Erin Crotty of Audubon New York on how the Environmental Protection Fund can help humans and wildlife.*

Ed Graham of New York Oncology Hematology discusses how the state's changes to Medicaid/Medicare reimbursement is bad for cancer treatment.

Dan Diaz, husband of Brittany Maynard, makes the case for death with dignity legislation in New York.

*Click here to view the full length video. Audubon New York Executive Director Erin Crotty begins to speak approximately 19 minutes in. 

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