Advocacy + Policy

We work with lawmakers at the local, state, and federal level to pass effective conservation policies and legislation.

Eastern Bluebird. Photo: Jim Chagares/Audubon Photography Awards

The Voice for Birds

Audubon New York is a respected and influential voice on public policy issues, and a powerful advocate for the birds and people of New York State.

Want to join a network that gives voice to birds? Sign up for Advocacy Alerts here.

Whether meeting with lawmakers and regulators, speaking out through local media, or collaborating with partners on a coalition to protect New York’s environment, Audubon New York is committed to advancing legislation and policies that conserve and restore our shared natural resources.

Many of the same issues that affect birds also affect people.

Hundreds of thousands of New York jobs and billions of dollars of the state’s gross domestic product depend on clean water, abundant fish and wildlife, and healthy forests to thrive.

That’s why Audubon New York is working tirelessly on behalf of a healthy environment that is rich in biodiversity. Alongside 27 local chapters and 91,000 members, we are solving the state’s toughest problems, from banning offshore drilling to promoting forest regeneration.

By convening diverse stakeholders to advance critical legislation and policies, we are able to take a balanced approach to protect our most threatened bird species and the habitats they depend on in New York State.

Policy Positions

Policy Positions

How to advance the protection of birds and the places they need this year.

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Advocacy News:

There’s a Growing Political Push To Make More Buildings Bird-Safe

There’s a Growing Political Push To Make More Buildings Bird-Safe

In Congress, state legislatures, and some of our biggest cities, policies to prevent deadly collisions are gaining ground.

Audubon, Other Groups Can Continue Lawsuit against the Federal Government to Protect Birds, Federal Judge Rules

Audubon, Other Groups Can Continue Lawsuit against the Federal Government to Protect Birds, Federal Judge Rules

A federal court greenlights a joint lawsuit to defend the Migratory Bird Treaty Act despite the administration’s efforts to hand industry a blank check for bird deaths.

New York Passes Strongest Climate Act in the Nation

New York Passes Strongest Climate Act in the Nation

More than 300 North American bird species are predicted to be climate-threatened. New York’s new bill offers bold solutions for people and wildlife.

$1.3 billion a year for at-risk species

$1.3 billion a year for at-risk species

The bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would direct resources to recover species before they reach the brink of extinction.

Bird’s Eye View: New York’s New Climate Bill

Bird’s Eye View: New York’s New Climate Bill

We break down the four key provisions of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).

Landmark Climate Bill Among Those Passed in Final Days of Session

Landmark Climate Bill Among Those Passed in Final Days of Session

The New York State Legislature passed the most aggressive climate change legislation in the nation.

Audubon and Partners Urge Lawkmakers to Act on Climate

Audubon and Partners Urge Lawkmakers to Act on Climate

New York has the opportunity to pass the most progressive proposal in the country.

MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT - Aquatic Invasive Species

MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT - Aquatic Invasive Species

Audubon New York strongly supports A.7692 (Englebright) / S.5937 (Kaminsky), which would extend the DEC’s authority to prevent the spread of aquatic species for an additional year.

MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT - Birds and Bees Protection Act

MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT - Birds and Bees Protection Act

Audubon New York strongly supports A.7639 (Englebright) / S.5816 (Hoylman), which would prohibit the sale of certain pesticides.

MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT - Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle

MEMORANDUM OF SUPPORT - Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle

Audubon New York strongly supports A.6520 (Englebright) / S.5871 (Martinez), which would protect habitat around Plum Island, Great Gull, and Little Gull Islands for marine mammals and sea turtle species.