Audubon New York

We protect birds and the places they need.

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo: John Troth/Audubon Photography Awards


Black Terns, the "Bald Eagle Success Story" of Central NY
Montezuma Audubon Center

Black Terns, the "Bald Eagle Success Story" of Central NY

State-endangered birds are nesting again thanks to successful marsh restoration experiment

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Audubon Honors Bahamas National Trust, Mass Audubon, and NYC Plover Project for Protecting Threatened Piping Plovers Across Essential Habitats

Audubon Honors Bahamas National Trust, Mass Audubon, and NYC Plover Project for Protecting Threatened Piping Plovers Across Essential Habitats

David Sibley accepts Audubon New York Award for Environmental Writing for influencing change through the written word.

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News & Updates

Audubon, Other Groups Can Continue Lawsuit against the Federal Government to Protect Birds, Federal Judge Rules

Audubon, Other Groups Can Continue Lawsuit against the Federal Government to Protect Birds, Federal Judge Rules

A federal court greenlights a joint lawsuit to defend the Migratory Bird Treaty Act despite the administration’s efforts to hand industry a blank check for bird deaths.

Landmark New York State Climate Bill Signed Into Law

Landmark New York State Climate Bill Signed Into Law

The sweeping climate legislation sets the target of creating a net-zero carbon economy in the state by 2050.

How the Next Generation is Creatively Tackling Bird Conservation

How the Next Generation is Creatively Tackling Bird Conservation

Young students encourage everyone to "Be a Good Egg," by respecting wildlife at the beach.

New York Passes Strongest Climate Act in the Nation

New York Passes Strongest Climate Act in the Nation

More than 300 North American bird species are predicted to be climate-threatened. New York’s new bill offers bold solutions for people and wildlife.

$1.3 billion a year for at-risk species

$1.3 billion a year for at-risk species

The bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would direct resources to recover species before they reach the brink of extinction.

Bird’s Eye View: New York’s New Climate Bill

Bird’s Eye View: New York’s New Climate Bill

We break down the four key provisions of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).

Long Island Students Spread Artful Awareness

Long Island Students Spread Artful Awareness

Young conservationists' colorful signs encourage beach-goers to share the shore with birds.

Six New York Birds of Summer

Six New York Birds of Summer

Keep an eye out for these birds as you enjoy the outdoors this summer!

Changing the Face of Urban Gardens
Bird-Friendly Communities

Changing the Face of Urban Gardens

Audubon New York and students dig in at West Side Community Garden