Audubon New York

We protect birds and the places they need.

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo: John Troth/Audubon Photography Awards


Black Terns, the "Bald Eagle Success Story" of Central NY
Montezuma Audubon Center

Black Terns, the "Bald Eagle Success Story" of Central NY

State-endangered birds are nesting again thanks to successful marsh restoration experiment

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Audubon Honors Bahamas National Trust, Mass Audubon, and NYC Plover Project for Protecting Threatened Piping Plovers Across Essential Habitats

Audubon Honors Bahamas National Trust, Mass Audubon, and NYC Plover Project for Protecting Threatened Piping Plovers Across Essential Habitats

David Sibley accepts Audubon New York Award for Environmental Writing for influencing change through the written word.

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News & Updates

 Audubon New York Remembers Patricia “Pat” Keesee

Audubon New York Remembers Patricia “Pat” Keesee

— Pat’s passion lives on with her children, grandchildren, and our shared effort to protect birds and the places they need.
Testimony Before the Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Conservation

Testimony Before the Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Conservation

On February 12, 2019, Erin McGrath, Audubon New York Policy Manager testified on the Climate and Community Protection Act.

February 2019 | New York News from the Nest

February 2019 | New York News from the Nest

We are committed and ready to advocate for New York's birds!

Audubon Finds Unified Voice for Clean Water in Brewers for the Delaware River

Audubon Finds Unified Voice for Clean Water in Brewers for the Delaware River

Brewers depend on clean, reliable water to survive and thrive, just like birds.

Bipartisan Bill in U.S. House Seeks to Reduce Birds Collisions with Federal Buildings
Press Room

Bipartisan Bill in U.S. House Seeks to Reduce Birds Collisions with Federal Buildings

As many as a billion birds die each year in window strikes; federal government can lead in cost-neutral, bird-friendly planning

The Great Backyard Bird Count
Get Outside

The Great Backyard Bird Count

Every February, count for as little as 15 minutes in your own backyard to help expand our understanding of birds.

Audubon New York Welcomes New Board Chair

Audubon New York Welcomes New Board Chair

Karen Thomas will become the 4th Chair of Audubon New York's Board of Directors.

The Environmental Proposals That Will Make the Biggest Impact on New York’s Birds and Other Wildlife
Press Room

2019 “State of the State” Environmental Proposals

Where will we make the biggest impact on New York's birds and other wildlife?

Top Priorities for New York State's 2019 Budget

Top Priorities for New York State's 2019 Budget

The following testimony is being presented to the New York State legislature by Audubon New York's Policy Manager, Erin McGrath.