Audubon New York

We protect birds and the places they need.

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo: John Troth/Audubon Photography Awards


Major Funding Announced for Crab Meadow Marsh Restoration

Major Funding Announced for Crab Meadow Marsh Restoration

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has awarded $429K to the National Audubon Society to develop a restoration plan for Crab Meadow’s marsh.

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Pop Stars: Honeysuckle Popping Volunteers Make Way for Native Species at Montezuma

Pop Stars: Honeysuckle Popping Volunteers Make Way for Native Species at Montezuma

MARSH! volunteers help to restore vital bird habitat in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex.

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Audubon Endorsed Forester Ethan Tapper Teaches Us How to Love a Forest
Healthy Forests

Audubon Endorsed Forester Ethan Tapper Teaches Us How to Love a Forest

Ethan hopes to help landowners and forest lovers see that “the greatest expression of compassion” for impacted forests (often caused by a history of human activity) isn’t to just let nature take its course, but rather to take action.

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News & Updates

Women Protecting Wildlife

Women Protecting Wildlife

Audubon New York’s woman-led team is pushing conservation forward.

WATCH: Spring Migration
Bird-Friendly Communities

WATCH: Spring Migration

Get an inside look at the science behind bird migration with this webinar recording.

How To Participate: New York Breeding Bird Atlas

How To Participate: New York Breeding Bird Atlas

A new atlas is completed every twenty years. Lucky you, the third New York BBA began in January!

Updates: Audubon New York Center and Chapter Events, Trails, Birds

Updates: Audubon New York Center and Chapter Events, Trails, Birds

Being outside in nature can help lift your spirits during challenging times.

Birding Is the Perfect Activity While Practicing Social Distancing
Get Outside

Birding Is the Perfect Activity While Practicing Social Distancing

This global pandemic has us all pretty freaked out. Handled responsibly, open space and wildlife observation might be just the balm you need.

Funding Awarded to Audubon Chapters Will Green Local Communities
Centers, Sanctuaries, & Chapters

Funding Awarded to Audubon Chapters Will Green Local Communities

These Audubon Chapter projects offer incredible new opportunities for local people to help birds.

Statement from Audubon New York on the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act

Statement from Audubon New York on the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act

The Governor's proposal includes measures to protect threatened and endangered species.

These Beloved Warblers Migrate North Almost a Week Earlier Than 50 Years Ago

These Beloved Warblers Migrate North Almost a Week Earlier Than 50 Years Ago

Black-throated Blue Warblers now start spring migration 5.5 days sooner than they did in the 1960s, a new study finds. Is climate change to blame?

Audubon New York Delivers Testimony at Hearing for Environmental Conservation

Audubon New York Delivers Testimony at Hearing for Environmental Conservation

Climate action, renewable energy, and wetlands were among the priorities highlighted.

Administration Proposes Funding Cuts for Delaware River Watershed Conservation

Administration Proposes Funding Cuts for Delaware River Watershed Conservation

Vital restoration program protects quality, clean water for birds and people at risk.