Montezuma Audubon Center

Protecting birds and the places they need

Bald Eagle Photo: Bryce Flynn/Audubon Photography Awards

Welcome to the Montezuma Audubon Center, a state-owned facility operated through a cooperative agreement between the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the National Audubon Society. We are dedicated to enhancing the habitat of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex and surrounding Important Bird Areas. The Montezuma Wetlands Complex is Audubon’s first globally significant Important Bird Area.

Now in its second century, Audubon is dedicated to protecting birds, other wildlife, and the habitat that supports them. Our national network of community-based nature centers and chapters, scientific and educational programs, and advocacy on behalf of areas sustaining important bird populations, engage millions of people of all ages and backgrounds in conservation.

Cerulean Warbler. Photo: Charlie Trapani/Audubon Photography Awards


Sign Up For MARSH!

Click on the links to register for a MARSH! event. 

Saturday, April 12 @ 9AM - Bush Honeysuckle Removal

Wednesday, April 23 @ 9AM - Bush Honeysuckle Removal

Saturday, May 3 @ 9AM - Native Plant Garden Restoration

Wednesday, May 7 @ 9AM - Tree Planting

Wednesday, May 14 @ 9AM - Tree Planting

More MARSH! registration pages will be added soon. Stay tuned!

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