Audubon New York

We protect birds and the places they need.

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo: John Troth/Audubon Photography Awards


Major Funding Announced for Crab Meadow Marsh Restoration

Major Funding Announced for Crab Meadow Marsh Restoration

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has awarded $429K to the National Audubon Society to develop a restoration plan for Crab Meadow’s marsh.

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Pop Stars: Honeysuckle Popping Volunteers Make Way for Native Species at Montezuma

Pop Stars: Honeysuckle Popping Volunteers Make Way for Native Species at Montezuma

MARSH! volunteers help to restore vital bird habitat in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex.

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Audubon Endorsed Forester Ethan Tapper Teaches Us How to Love a Forest
Healthy Forests

Audubon Endorsed Forester Ethan Tapper Teaches Us How to Love a Forest

Ethan hopes to help landowners and forest lovers see that “the greatest expression of compassion” for impacted forests (often caused by a history of human activity) isn’t to just let nature take its course, but rather to take action.

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News & Updates

For Scientists Who Study Birds, This Spring Is Without Precedent

For Scientists Who Study Birds, This Spring Is Without Precedent

Due to COVID-19, many researchers who track avian health have stopped or limited work just as migration, breeding, and nesting season ramps up.

New York's 2020 Budget is Big for Birds

New York's 2020 Budget Is Big for Birds

It includes the first environmental bond act in over 24 years, a critical source of funding streams, wetlands, and coasts.

With Monitoring Limited, Someone Drove Through a Snowy Plover Nesting Site

With Monitoring Limited, Someone Drove Through a Snowy Plover Nesting Site

Due to pandemic-related restrictions, vulnerable shorebirds may have to rely on the kindness of strangers this breeding season.

How to: Create Window Decals to Prevent Bird Collisions
Bird-Friendly Communities

How to: Create Window Decals to Prevent Bird Collisions

A fun and easy way to prevent migratory birds from flying into your windows.

Spring Migration FAQs

Spring Migration FAQs

How much do you know about the comings and goings of the birds outside your window?

10 Times Plovers Made My Day

10 Times Plovers Made My Day

Do birds get any cuter?

Top 10 New York Forest Birds
Forest Resources

Top 10 New York Forest Birds

Without picking favorites, here are some of the birds that depend on New York's forests for feeding, nesting, and raising young.

Pigeon Watch: Get to Know (and Love) Our Amazing City Birds

Pigeon Watch: Get to Know (and Love) Our Amazing City Birds

You can learn a lot from watching pigeons! After observing pigeons from a window, park bench, or using online videos, kids use a checklist to spot different behaviors and color morphs.

Top Invasive Species Resource Professionals Should Monitor for Forest Health
Healthy Forests

Top Invasive Species Resource Professionals Should Monitor for Forest Health

Help New York birds by creating healthier woodland habitat.

A Special Message From Audubon's President and CEO Regarding COVID-19

A Special Message From Audubon's President and CEO Regarding COVID-19

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, David Yarnold shares thoughts of empathy, compassion, and community.