Audubon New York

We protect birds and the places they need.

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo: John Troth/Audubon Photography Awards


Major Funding Announced for Crab Meadow Marsh Restoration

Major Funding Announced for Crab Meadow Marsh Restoration

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has awarded $429K to the National Audubon Society to develop a restoration plan for Crab Meadow’s marsh.

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Pop Stars: Honeysuckle Popping Volunteers Make Way for Native Species at Montezuma

Pop Stars: Honeysuckle Popping Volunteers Make Way for Native Species at Montezuma

MARSH! volunteers help to restore vital bird habitat in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex.

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Audubon Endorsed Forester Ethan Tapper Teaches Us How to Love a Forest
Healthy Forests

Audubon Endorsed Forester Ethan Tapper Teaches Us How to Love a Forest

Ethan hopes to help landowners and forest lovers see that “the greatest expression of compassion” for impacted forests (often caused by a history of human activity) isn’t to just let nature take its course, but rather to take action.

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News & Updates

Five Climate-Threatened Birds and How You Can Help Them

Five Climate-Threatened Birds and How You Can Help Them

Audubon's newest climate report projects the future ranges for more than 604 North American species.

Latinx Heritage Month, 'Para las Aves!'
About Us

Latinx Heritage Month, 'Para las Aves!'

Celebrate with Audubon - learn what one environmental educator's Puerto Rican heritage means to her.

What Does “Outdoorsy” Look Like?

What Does “Outdoorsy” Look Like?

"Sustainability is not actually sustainable if doesn’t include everyone."

Putting Her “Green Thumb” to the Ground for Birds
Centers, Sanctuaries, & Chapters

Putting Her “Green Thumb” to the Ground for Birds

Local Audubon chapter leader is transforming Long Island with native plants.

There’s a Growing Political Push To Make More Buildings Bird-Safe

There’s a Growing Political Push To Make More Buildings Bird-Safe

In Congress, state legislatures, and some of our biggest cities, policies to prevent deadly collisions are gaining ground.

Sustainable Swaps to Keep Beaches Clean
Ways To Help

Sustainable Swaps to Keep Beaches Clean

Plastic pollution is a growing problem, and can be fatal for birds and other wildlife. You can help by making sustainable swaps!

New Jones Beach, Sunken Meadow Volunteer Program Launches

New Jones Beach, Sunken Meadow Volunteer Program Launches

Volunteer beach stewards are Audubon's extra eyes and ears in the field, helping to minimize disturbance to nesting birds.

Top State Parks for Birding in the Lake Ontario Region

Top State Parks for Birding in the Lake Ontario Region

Take advantage of 50% off through Columbus Day.

'Beach Bucket Brigade' Strives to Make Beaches Cleaner, Beachgoers More Mindful
Be A Good Egg

'Beach Bucket Brigade' Strives to Make Beaches Cleaner, Beachgoers More Mindful

Two sisters on Long Island are channeling their love of nature to make a difference for wildlife.