Shape the Future
The Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps is an expanding organization of community volunteers who are contributing to restoration projects that are creating or improving wildlife habitat in the Onondaga Lake watershed.
The Corps was founded in 2012 to inspire future stewards of Onondaga Lake and its watershed through a hands-on, experience-based program that offers citizens and organizations the opportunity to participate in activities that help restore and sustain Onondaga Lake and its value as an Audubon Important Bird Area.
Onondaga Lake is an important wintering area for Bald Eagles and waterfowl, providing habitat, food, and water sources that many bird species depend upon for survival during the cold winter months.
Thursday, September 19, 2024 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Honeywell Onondaga Lake Visitor Center 280 Restoration Way, Syracuse, NY 13209
Join the Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps for a Walk In Nature program! Everyone is welcome to attend this 1.5 hour, 1 mile walk along the Onondaga Lake shoreline to explore newly restored habitats that attract birds, mammals and other wildlife. Participants will learn from Audubon New York, Montezuma Audubon Center, and Onondaga Audubon staff and volunteers about wildlife and the importance of wetlands in supporting the Onondaga Lake watershed. The walk will be on a flat, gravel trail. Binoculars and field guides will be provided. Space is limited and registration is required by clicking here.
Onondaga Lake is an Audubon Important Bird Area that provides habitat, food, and water sources that many bird species depend upon for survival during the winter months. Some of the most abundant bird species that rely on Onondaga Lake are the Bald Eagle, Common Merganser, American Black Duck, Greater Scaup, Lesser Scaup, Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Hooded Merganser, Mallard, Redhead, and Ring-necked Duck.
This event is sponsored by Honeywell and Parsons.
Call 315.365.3588 or email with questions.
The Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps is a hands-on, experienced-based organization of community volunteers participating in stewardship and educational activities that help restore and sustain the Onondaga Lake watershed, ecosystem, and natural resources.
Plan your trip to the Visitor's Center along the shoreline of Onondaga Lake to see firsthand the significant work that's taken place.
Worksheets based on cleanup activities reinforce NYS standards and Next Generation Science Standards for middle school students.
Join us for programs, family activities, and habitat restoration projects in your area!
Help us to continue to protect and conserve the natural resources of Onondaga Lake.
About the Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps
The Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps was founded in 2012 by Honeywell in partnership with Montezuma Audubon Center and Onondaga Audubon and is now an Audubon New York program. Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps supporters include Parsons, Ramboll, Anchor QEA, RES, Converge Properties, Central NY Community Foundation, Jim and Juli Boeheim Foundation and John Ben Snow Foundation.
Schools, community groups, local organizations, and individuals are welcome. To learn more or participate in future activities, please contact or call 315-365-3588.