Audubon New York

We protect birds and the places they need.

Pileated Woodpecker. Photo: John Troth/Audubon Photography Awards


Major Funding Announced for Crab Meadow Marsh Restoration

Major Funding Announced for Crab Meadow Marsh Restoration

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has awarded $429K to the National Audubon Society to develop a restoration plan for Crab Meadow’s marsh.

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Pop Stars: Honeysuckle Popping Volunteers Make Way for Native Species at Montezuma

Pop Stars: Honeysuckle Popping Volunteers Make Way for Native Species at Montezuma

MARSH! volunteers help to restore vital bird habitat in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex.

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Audubon Endorsed Forester Ethan Tapper Teaches Us How to Love a Forest
Healthy Forests

Audubon Endorsed Forester Ethan Tapper Teaches Us How to Love a Forest

Ethan hopes to help landowners and forest lovers see that “the greatest expression of compassion” for impacted forests (often caused by a history of human activity) isn’t to just let nature take its course, but rather to take action.

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News & Updates

Best of 2019: Audubon New York in Action

Best of 2019: Audubon New York in Action

It was a year of native plants (22,000, to be exact), new conservation programs, and tremendous advocacy action for birds and people.

Audubon Invites You to Celebrate 120 Years of the Annual Christmas Bird Count
Get Outside

Audubon Invites You to Celebrate 120 Years of the Annual Christmas Bird Count

Between December 14 and January 5, participants will join the world’s longest-running wildlife census, which contributes invaluable data to bird population research.

Audubon Receives Grants to Make Our Coasts More Resilient to Climate Change

Audubon Receives Grants to Make Our Coasts More Resilient to Climate Change

Projects in North Carolina, New York and California will improve coastal wetlands for birds and people.

Canary in the Coalmine: Impact of Climate Change on Birds

Canary in the Coalmine: Impact of Climate Change on Birds

By following birds, we learn about the greatest threats they and our communities face. And we find ways to address them.

Inside Look: Monthly "Birdy" Webinar Series

Inside Look: Monthly "Birdy" Webinar Series

Join us every month for a free interactive webinar offering an inside look at the latest bird conservation science, research, and best practices.

New York Botanical Garden Leader and Acclaimed Author Receive Audubon Society Conservation Awards

New York Botanical Garden Leader and Acclaimed Author Receive Audubon Society Conservation Awards

Gregory Long and David Quammen are the recipients of the Thomas W. Keesee, Jr. Conservation Award and the Audubon New York Award for Environmental Writing

2019 Shorebird and Seabird Conservation Highlights

2019 Shorebird and Seabird Conservation Highlights

With help from Audubon chapters, volunteers, and partners, Audubon New York had one of its most successful coastal field seasons to date.

Coastal Resilience and the Future of New York’s Coasts

Coastal Resilience and the Future of New York’s Coasts

Our coasts are changing, but we can help keep them resilient to benefit birds and people.

New Audubon Science: Two-Thirds of North American Birds at Risk of Extinction Due to Climate Change

New Audubon Science: Two-Thirds of North American Birds at Risk of Extinction Due to Climate Change

Enter your zip code into Audubon’s Birds and Climate Visualizer and it will show you how climate change will impact your birds and your community and includes ways you can help.

Birds Are Telling Us It's Time to Take Action on Climate

Birds Are Telling Us It's Time to Take Action on Climate

Global warming poses an existential threat to two-thirds of North American bird species—but there's still time to protect them. Audubon's new climate report says we have to act now.